Saturday, 26 December 2015

Chronic Obstructive Airway disease management: 10 fast facts


10 Fast facts

  1. COPD-X is the mneumonic for COPD management. 
    1. C: Case finding and confirm diagnosis 
    2. O: Optimising function: pharmacological and non pharmacological 
    3. P: Prevention 
    4. D: Develop a plan
    5. X: management of exacerbation 
  2. Screen adults over the age of 35 and smokes. Spirometry remains under utilised in GP. 
  3. Definition of COPD : Post bronchodilation FEV1/FVC < 70 %
  4. Chest x-ray has no diagnostic value but it helps to exclude other possible diagnosis
  5. Stop smoking is the most effective strategy in treating COPD, other non pharmacological interventions should be offered to all other patients. 
  6. Pharmacological treatment: please refer to step guided treatment. Bronchodilator should be started on anyone with Mild COPD. 
  7. Only use ICS/LABA in mod to severe COPD as it increases the risk of pneumonia. 
  8. Make sure patient has Flu Vax and Pneumococcal vaccine 
  9. When it is appropriate, discuss advance care plan with them 
  10. Prednisolone 50 mg x 5 days is good, any longer than that has no extra benefits 
  11. Don't forget non pharmacological intervention: smoking cessation, pulmonary rehabilitation, nutrition, GP management, immunisation and exercise.

- Lung fundation 
- COPD - X 

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